我并不是很看重模型中必须具备哪些信息,尽管很多的标准规定了这些内容,比如一些LOD标准。我更看重的是模型中的信息是完整而可靠的。 这就是对BIM的认识产生混乱的地方。很多人认为BIM就意味着更多的工作和更多的数据。事实并不是这样的,BIM真正的价值核心是,所有信息保持原本的正常目的,只是它们的格式被统一了而已。
Why are we requiring specific levels of BIM and LOD? Does the client understand why this project is being modeled to the selected Levels? Does the team understand?If not, it’s time for a presentation that clearly explains the difference between LOD 200 and LOD 500 or Level 1 BIM and Lev...
their own variant specification. For example, in New Zealand, the LOD specification follows the AIA (2013) but defines ‘Level of Development’ (LOD) as a sum of four different aspects: ‘Level of detail’ (LOd), ‘Level of accuracy’ (LOa), ‘Level of information’ (LOi) and ‘Level ...
Data in the model must match issued schedules. It is not so much about WHAT information is in the model (which most standards seem to concentrate on, including LOD descriptions, but that the information that is there is complete and can be relied upon. This is where discussion of BIM becom...
Cuando se habla sobre la difusión de BIM en una organización (micro) o en todo un mercado (macro), habitualmente emergen dos términos: descendente o ascendente. La difusiónDESCENDENTE(UP-BOTTOM) es cuando una autoridad ejerce una presión ordenando la adopción de una solución específica...
The energy model is defined based on thevolumetric spaceof all elements used in the create process, and theAnalytical Space Resolutionsetting explained in the previous section. To keep this as fast as possible: - Keep the overall volume of the model containing elements as small as possible...
In addition, all dimensions are not managed in a similar manner for each type of Levels Of Detail. Thus, it is not possible to use LODt for design and LOD from CityGML in infrastructure projects while it is necessary as explained in introduction. Applying system engineering and requirement ...
Consistency is king.Aim for an inherent consistency to everything you do. Take LOD. Make sure your team knows what level of detail (LOD) you are modeling to. That each part of the model has the same level of detail. Think of detail in terms of levels – as in levels of detail – ...
However, as semantic 3D city models are rather static in nature (at least as far as the geometry of buildings is concerned), the LoD concept had to be adapted to the requirements of the highly dynamic planning process. Depen- dencies between the different levels of detail were introduced in...
我并不是很看重模型中必须具备哪些信息,尽管很多的标准规定了这些内容,比如一些LOD标准。我更看重的是模型中的信息是完整而可靠的。 这就是对BIM的认识产生混乱的地方。很多人认为BIM就意味着更多的工作和更多的数据。事实并不是这样的,BIM真正的价值核心是,所有信息保持原本的正常目的,只是它们的格式被统一了而已。