The purpose of BIM,in my view, is“to give each actor just the information they need at just the right time throughout a building’s lifecycle – to support its effective design, creation and use.”An actor is any person, system or machine involved in a building’s lifecycle and compone...
choosing the relevant standards to exchange information (the LOD and LOI allow to precise the relevant information for this BIM use). We propose here to write LOX to consider LOD, LOI and LOA. This is just a naming convention to facilitate the paper comprehension. These levels are analyzed wi...
Create online BIM Execution Plans and BIM Scopes - LOD Planner helps BIM Managers to save time and agree on BIM. Create your BEP minutes.
Since the introduction of the BIM Toolkit in 2015, information management and digital construction processes in the UK and worldwide have matured significantly, which means that the tools and guidance authored then may be less relevant to industry professionals working today. NBS is updating its guid...