On Bill Gates's website he writes about the people he meets, the books he's reading, and what he's learning and working on. Come join the conversation!
On Bill Gates's website he writes about the people he meets, the books he's reading, and what he's learning and working on. Come join the conversation!
On Bill Gates's website he writes about the people he meets, the books he's reading, and what he's learning and working on. Come join the conversation!
冥想大师翻译自比尔盖茨笔记 比尔盖茨原文:https://www.gatesnotes.com/Books/The-Headspace-Guide-to-Meditation-and-Mindfulness 在我20多岁时,我停止了听音乐和看电视。 这听起来很极端,但我这样做只是因为我认为它们会让我对软件的思考分心。 不过这样只持续了大约五年,而之后我却成为了毒枭等电视剧,U2,威利尼...
微软联合创始人比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)曾在个人网站「盖茨笔记」(GatesNotes)上撰文,总结了「股神」巴菲特(Warren Buffett)执掌伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)公司50年来展现出的卓越智慧。 富途资讯根据原文进行了编译及整理: 2015年,我(比尔盖茨)与巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和另外4万人齐聚奥马哈,参加「资本家的伍德斯...
他认为,未来5年内AI技术将会有飞跃发展,用户不再需要自己指示计算机应该如何运行,只需要用自然语言描述想要做的事情,就可以自动获得适当的回应。他预计未来每人都可以有自己的AI助理,与科技互动的方式将会彻底改变,是从输入命令字符变成点击图标的GUI接口以来,最大的计算机革命。来源:GatesNotes ...
良性的公共辩论取决于每个人都了解这项技术及其好处与风险。CNBC报道,盖茨曾在5月表示,生成式AI影响白领工作者的同时、人形机器人也将大幅影响蓝领阶级。英国金融时报报道,DeepMind共同创办人Mustafa Suleyman 5月也有表示,AI的推进将危及白领阶级饭碗、10年内将创造出大量输家。数据源:GatesNotes、MoneyDJ ...
We have a great episode for you today with a really special guest, Bill Gates who needs no introduction given the unbelievable impact that he's had on the world of technology in the world at large over the past several decades, has been working very closely with the teams at Microsoft and...
gatesfoundation.orgthegatesnotes.com@billgates TED Speaker Bill Gates warned that we weren’t ready for a global pandemic in a talk at TED2015. Now he’s working to make sure the world is better prepared next time around. Why you should listen ...
CV:falseleave:false My dad will always be "the real Bill Gates" to me. CV:falseleave:false I have many fond memories of messing around on the teletype at Lakeside with Paul, Ric, and our friend Kent Evans. CV:falseleave:false