On Bill Gates's website he writes about the people he meets, the books he's reading, and what he's learning and working on. Come join the conversation!
On Bill Gates's website he writes about the people he meets, the books he's reading, and what he's learning and working on. Come join the conversation!
Bill Gates gives an inside look at his life—his work in tech, climate, and philanthropy; books, TV shows, and other personal interests; and family and friends.
Find articles and videos by Bill Gates, covering a range of topics including climate and energy, education, health and development, and personal interests.
微软联合创始人比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)曾在个人网站「盖茨笔记」(GatesNotes)上撰文,总结了「股神」巴菲特(Warren Buffett)执掌伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)公司50年来展现出的卓越智慧。 富途资讯根据原文进行了编译及整理: 2015年,我(比尔盖茨)与巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和另外4万人齐聚奥马哈,参加「资本家的伍德斯...
On Bill Gates's website he writes about the people he meets, the books he's reading, and what he's learning and working on. Come join the conversation!
Source: Gates Notes Bill Gates recently released a list of book recommendations for the upcoming summer. He only referred to one of them as a "must read." That's "How To Know A Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen," written by New York Times op-ed columnist...
Microsoft co-founder and tech icon Bill Gates plays Wordle, and he has his own strategies for finding the answer to the daily word puzzle.
gatesfoundation.orgthegatesnotes.com@billgates TED Speaker Bill Gates warned that we weren’t ready for a global pandemic in a talk at TED2015. Now he’s working to make sure the world is better prepared next time around. Why you should listen ...
Now, Gates emphasizes the value of being easy on yourself. “You are not a slacker if you’ve cut yourself some slack,” he said. “It took me a long time to learn [that].” A little more than a decade ago, Gates launched his own blog,Gates Notes, sh...