(UGT1A1), theenzymeresponsible for bilirubin conjugation, and are characterized by unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Gilbert syndrome is associated with 10%–35%enzyme activityand mild hyperbilirubinemia (total bilirubin values rarely exceed 6mg/dL); infants with Gilbert syndrome are treated withpheno...
More accurate measurement of bilirubin and its conjugates by high-performance liquid chromatography reveals that conjugated bilirubin constitutes only about 4% to 5% of total bilirubin in normal sera. This corresponds to a serum level of less than 1 µmol/L. By such methods, the upper limit ...
There were no significant differ- ences between control and fat emulsion-tn·ated animals in the total bilirubin pool, plasma biliruhin pool, hiologic half-life of biliruhin, fractional tumo,·er, and ex11onential decline in plasma hiliruhin specific activity at stead)· state. llilirubin...
The normal concentration of direct bilirubin in human blood is around 1–5 µM (0.06–0.3 mg/dL) and the total BR concentration is around 25 µM (<1.23 mg/dL) [4]. The total BR concentration in the blood increases when the liver is not excreting properly BR, which causes jaundice...