As a part-time instructor in preschool and weekend Chinese program, I had fruitful experiences with early childhood development. I have a passion in integrating songs and art in Chinese lessons for children. Business Chinese As for the topic of business Chinese, I emphasize on both language and...
preschool: Heteroglossia, frame-shifting, and language ideology. Pragmatics 20: 557–86. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Lanvers, Ursula. 2001. Language alternation in infant bilinguals: A developmental approach to codeswitching. International Journal of Bilingualism 5: 437–64. [Google...
6.1. Participants The parent of the siblings, Piper, Ivy, and Cora (pseudonyms), described to me that these children were born into a white, middle‑class deaf family with both parents having higher education degrees. The whole family used ASL and accessible forms of English, such as ...