Allowing yourself your favorites will enable you to stick to the program better and enjoy the process, rather than falling off the deep end because you feel deprived.The Healthy Recipe Databaseis the perfect place to find new recipes. Remember that failure is normal.You can't ...
Bikini & Figure Competition Workout Plans No matter which division (bikini, figure, or bikini fitness model) you choose at the bodybuilding show, I will create for you customized training programs specifically for your body and your needs. Step-by-step guiding you through every exercise, every ...
Backstage at bodybuilding shows can be great but also toxic. To navigate it properly, you must have your bullshit monitor on . You will encounter assholes, poachers and people will tell you that your coach screwed you over. They will tell you that "they could have got you a pro card." ...
JNL Bikini Boot Camp: Workout #1 Again, use this workout as a one day on, one day off split. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are recommended, so you have more time at the local pool hot spot or the "playa" on the weekends to enjoy all of your hard work in the gym that has paid...
Alexa is a Denver-based writer and editor who covers all things health and wellness, lifestyle, travel, and beauty. When she's not writing, you can find her favorite it out at boxing or pilates, plan her next travel adventure, or drink red wine. ...
INBF World Natural Bodybuilding Organization NGA National Gym Association If you are competing in Fitness, find out the requirements for your routine and work on those skills if you have not mastered them. Attend a local or regional show to get a better idea of how your posing should look an...
For More Of Jessica James Please Check Out I co host a radio show every Wednesday at 10am pacific time called Fem Fit All with IFBB Figure Pro Jami Debernard where we talk about the female competition world of bodybuilding at!