Almost 500 years of continuous use has not quelled the ire of those who object to the word meaning anything but “an outrageous, improper, vicious, or immoral act.” This matter ignites such passion that it seems likely that we will still be hearing about it 500 years hence. If you ...
It is outrageous that Nobody is still facing spurious and irrelevant probation conditions like drug testing, along with thousands of dollars in fines, for doing nothing wrong, when he has already spent nearly half a year wrongfully incarcerated. Of course this entire farce of a “case” is ful...
Heads up, boob aficionados! Gawk at the magnificent Jenni Noble, the reigning monarch of outrageous bikini bustin’! This isn’t your everyday shore sweetheart; oh no, she’s a dynamite dame with a capital D, and she’s about to leave you speechless with her jaw-dropping endowments. ...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. big band- a large dance or jazz band usually featuring improvised solos by lead musicians dance band,dance orchestra,band- a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing ...
On several occasions, I’vecriticized the bureaucratsforpushing bad policyon the United States (the fact that American taxpayerspay the biggest share of the OECD’s bloated budgetmakes that doubly outrageous). Today, I’m going to criticize the bureaucrats for pushing bad policy on Chile. ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
And I hated the fact it was "funny and cute" in the drama when it's actually outrageous. And then, there is the whole plot of the fatal disease which seems fake: what's his problem? What transplant does he need? What's wrong with him? No one knows, in the drama (I mean, what...
Dear Reader,Arriving in Chandler, Arizona two days ahead of our Casey Research Summit, I found myself with a bit of leisure time available.
OUTRAGEOUS $1,000 GUARANTEE! A "WIN" is when you do something you couldn't do before. Or you get a key chunk or step finally out of the way. I absolutely, unequivocally guarantee you WILL get wins and results far in excess of the price ($1,000 value), or I'll refund every penny...
Announce that the opposition’s or media’s tactic is outrageous and offensive, and you will immediately frame a public response; not in terms of whether that opposition/media point has logic, but rather, whether or not they are in the wrong. In other words it shifts the negative focus ...