The Big Brother Wiki is the home to everything Big Brother. From seasons to contestants, to twists in the game, come here to expand our network. Remember, "Someone is Always Watching!"
Ivette Lydia Corredero[1] is the runner-up of Big Brother 6 (US). She later appeared as a potential houseguest for Big Brother 7 (US). Known for her loud personality, obsession with Eric Littmann, and her bond with James Rhine, Ivette was a member of The
RuleBook: You Can Reach The Production Team If You Have Issues With Scheduling Conflicts By A Session Or If You Have Complaints/Opinions On The Season And If Something Seems To Be At A Disadvantage To You. Big Brother Longterm ...
Big Brother is watching. Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes LordVindican - Mar 18 2013 - 338 comments Studying 1984 this year lol Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Post a comment Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Or sign in with your social account...
The new Celebrity Big Brother 2019 season is nearly upon us! The CBB2 cast has been released and the season premiere is days away on Monday, Jan. 21st. But we
This book follows Anne Shirley, an orphan who is adopted accidently by an older brother and sister. Her imagination and cleverness are what kept your big sis turning the pages, and you’ll do the same. Looking for Alaska by John Green You obviously know all about The Fault in Our Stars ...
Despite their rarity, Rey action figures can be found--although the one with the Anakin/Luke lightsaber wasn't released until after the film's debut. But who did Rey defeat with it? Her cousin? Her brother? Source: David Kyle Johnson ...
Karen Ann Ganci was a houseguest on Big Brother 5 (US). Remembered for her wacky personality, strong social game, and loyalty to the Pinky Swear Alliance, Karen found herself flying under the radar for most of the game after being placed on the block as
Shannon Michelle Grant (née Dragoo)[1] was a houseguest on Big Brother 2 (US). Shannon was known for her showmance with Will Kirby, being a member of the Chilltown alliance, and her mean-spirited antics in the house, such as placing a bag of potato chip
Nicholas Anton "Nick" Starcevic was a houseguest on Big Brother 8 (US). Nick was quickly approached by Kail Harbick to join the Mrs. Robinson Alliance. He joined and they were able to successfully evict Carol Journey. Nick then started a showmance with Daniele Briones. Nick seemed to be...