The Big Brother Wiki is the home to everything Big Brother. From seasons to contestants, to twists in the game, come here to expand our network. Remember, "Someone is Always Watching!"
The Big Brother Wiki is the home to everything Big Brother. From seasons to contestants, to twists in the game, come here to expand our network. Remember, "Someone is Always Watching!"
Big Brother 19, also known as Big Brother 19: Atlantis, is the nineteenth season of The Big Brother ORG Wiki. Big Brother House: Houseguests are added to a Secret Facebook Group and Facebook Group Chat together with the hosts. This is where they are inf
Ivette was the first openly LGBT houseguest to reach the final 2 in Big Brother. She would later be followed by Andy Herren, Jason Roy, Ross Mathews, Kaycee Clark, and Derek Frazier. Including Big Brother Canada and Celebrity Big Brother (US), Ivette is one of fifteen final HOHs who di...
Karen Ann Ganci was a houseguest on Big Brother 5 (US). Remembered for her wacky personality, strong social game, and loyalty to the Pinky Swear Alliance, Karen found herself flying under the radar for most of the game after being placed on the block as
Soon after Big Brother 8 (US), Nick began to date his fellow houseguest, Jen Johnson, despite not getting along with her in the house. Nick also previously dated Kristen Bitting from Big Brother 12 (US). Nick got married on November 24th, 2018, to his longtime girlfriend Griffin Swisher...
RuleBook: You Can Reach The Production Team If You Have Issues With Scheduling Conflicts By A Session Or If You Have Complaints/Opinions On The Season And If Something Seems To Be At A Disadvantage To You. Big Brother Longterm ...
Shannon Michelle Grant (née Dragoo)[1] was a houseguest on Big Brother 2 (US). Shannon was known for her showmance with Will Kirby, being a member of the Chilltown alliance, and her mean-spirited antics in the house, such as placing a bag of potato chip
Welcome to the Big Brother Down Town Wiki!400 pages and counting as of March 6, 2025! Tiffany is the New HOH! Read more > Zaria Has Been Evicted! Despite trying to work with the Secret Housemates to flip the house, she was ousted and was evicted 3-2. Read more > Blair Survives...
Big Brother UK Wiki is a wiki which contains information about the reality TV show Big Brother UK, which aired from 2000 – 2010 on Channel 4 and from 2011 - 2018 on Channel 5. Relaunched on ITV from 2023 - present. We are hoping that this wiki continues to be a very worthwhile ...