最后两集的现场拍摄则有点特殊,没有 Regular 票,只有 Standby 票。因为还有另一个朋友也想去,我们便...
THEBIGBANGTHEORY中英剧本+词汇解析 TBBTPage2of78 (TBBT-S01-EP13-14) 第一季第13集 -Howard:ModytellsaboutthenewStarTrekfilm. mody:电影表名StarTrek:星舰迷航trek:艰苦跋涉,徒步旅行 这儿有关于新一部星舰迷航电影的消息。 There'sgoingtobeascenedepictingSpock'sbirth. ...
因为是 Leonard 和 Raj 的演员两人的生日(同一天)还有粉丝团自带了蛋糕 旁边的“Bang!”很应景了 途...
-Penny:Good afternoon, and welcome to today's Physics Bowl practice round. 下午好,欢迎参加今天的物理竞赛热身赛。 I'mPenny, and I'll be your host. 我是Penny你们的主持人。 Because apparently I didn't have anything else to do on a Saturday afternoon, 因为显然我星期六下午没什么事干, And ...
If you're feeling more confident than Sheldon at the Physics Bowl, test your knowledge of the show right here. Click on the polls below to see how many readers agree with your answers to these Big Bang Theory trivia questions. Then, scroll to the bottom to see the answers. WATCH THE B...
Big-bang model, widely held theory of the evolution of the universe. Its essential feature is the emergence of the universe from a state of extremely high temperature and density—the so-called big bang that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. Learn more ab
Watch The Big Bang Theory on Max. Plans start at $9.99/month. Physicists and best friends Leonard and Sheldon learn about the social aspects of life through their relationships with the free-spirited beauty who moves in next door.
The Big Bang Theory is a comedy series about four young scientists who know all about the world of physics, and one girl, who gives the physics world a
This idea obviously plays off the tremendously popular American television comedy,The Big Bang Theory(TBBT), which recently closed production after a 12-year run.1The title of the comedy is wonderfully evocative, playing off the cosmo-logical concepts at the heart of the origin of the universe ...
The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example of a show that exploits popular notions about nerd culture and does its best to exaggerate it to a point where it seems funny. Most of the [...]