Learn the definition of Bigbang and browse a collection of 24 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
A phase transition just after the Big Bang — a supercool one, to be exact. "We found that to have created waves with such tiny frequencies, the transition would have to be supercool," Fowlie explained. However, there is a problem. Such cosmic supercool transition phases would be a bit...
The image also shows a curve labelled “No Big Bang” which is associated with thebig bounce. I don’t favour the big bounce because I can’t conceive of any way by which space might contract. Space is like some gin-clear ghostly elastic solid. It has its stress-energy, stress is dir...
Big Bang Theory - Proof at Last December 22, 2000 07:45 CDT For the first time, an actual measurement has been made of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, at a time when the Universe was only about 2.5 billion years old. A team of astronomers from India, France...
If nothing connects the basic building blocks of matter, physical structures must rely on probability and chance occurrences to come together (the Big Bang cosmology). However, if David Bohm is correct and visible matter comes forth from an underlying aether, then everything in the universe is ...
Genesis 1:14-20– Ross claims that the cosmos emerged from the big bang prior to the creation of earth, plants, fish and birds. This is opposite what the Bible teaches. He claims that the Hebrew word for day, “yom” is flexible enough to mean millions of years. Yet in Gen 1:14-...
Pre-big bang An even wilder way to square the discrepancy between Planck’s smooth cosmos and BICEP2’s strong ripples is to include physics from before the big bang. In 2006, Mersini-Houghton and her colleagues devised a model in which the universe was seeded by a quantum particle, one ...
Big-bang model, widely held theory of the evolution of the universe. Its essential feature is the emergence of the universe from a state of extremely high temperature and density—the so-called big bang that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. Learn more ab
Cosmology - Big Bang, Expansion, Dark Matter: One possible modification concerns models of so-called inhomogeneous nucleosynthesis. The idea is that in the very early universe (the first microsecond) the subnuclear particles that later made up the proton
But the Big Bang wasn't like that. It was an expansion of space itself — a concept that comes out of Einstein's equations of general relativity but has no counterpart in the classical physics of everyday life. It means that all the distances in the universe are stretching out at the ...