Imagine for a moment that your student loan balance, no matter how high, instantly falls to $0, and the cloud of debt that hovers over your every financial decision disappears. Today, by simply signing an executive order, President Biden can make that dream a reality. When the Department of...
Trump. Even though Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress for his first two years in power, Biden could not pass student loan forgiveness through Congress, so he opted for the legally dubious step of doing it by executive fiat. The Supreme Court, in Friday’s ruli...
Scott Buchanan, executive director of the Student Loan Servicing Alliance,previously told CNBCthat one small thing borrowers can do to make sure they are prepared for payments to resume is to check if their lender has up-to-date contact information since many borrowers have moved during the pand...
President Joe Biden campaigned on canceling college debt but enacting this type of legislation may not be as simple as signing an executive order. And with thefederal student loan moratoriumset to expire in just a few months, you may be wondering what to do with existing student loan debt, ...
Cardenas then suggested Biden issue an executive order clearing debt holders of at least $10,000 in student loans. Cardenastold CBS Newsthat Biden then "smiled and said, 'You're going to like what I do on that, I'm looking to do something on that and I think you're going to like ...
student debt for most borrowers during his presidential campaign, but has raised questions about his legal authority to do so via executive order. Last year, the president requested a memo from the Education Department to determine whether he had the power to unilaterally cancel student loan debt....
Pausing Federal Student Loan Payments: Directs the acting education secretary to pause federal student loan payments and collections and keep the interest rate at 0% (a pause was issued the following day)Issued: Jan. 20Read the directive here Executive Order on Economic Relief Related to the CO...
Three things to know before the student loan payment pause ends Other White House officials have been mum when asked for updates on whether Biden will forgive any amount of student loans by executive action. Top economic adviser Brian Deese said he didn’t have anything new to share on stud...
Biden administration to notify 25 million student loan borrowers of relief options The email is the first step of the Biden-Harris administration’s proposed rule announced in April – and still being finalized – for more narrower, targeted debt r...
The Supreme Court struck down a plan that would've given $20,000 in federal student loan forgiveness to many borrowers.