Imagine for a moment that your student loan balance, no matter how high, instantly falls to $0, and the cloud of debt that hovers over your every financial decision disappears. Today, by simply signing an executive order, President Biden can make that dream a reality. When the Department of...
President Joe Biden campaigned on canceling college debt but enacting this type of legislation may not be as simple as signing an executive order. And with thefederal student loan moratoriumset to expire in just a few months, you may be wondering what to do with existing student loan debt, ...
On Friday, the U.S.Supreme Courtruled that PresidentJoe Biden’scontroversial executive order to forgive millions of student loans exceeded the powers of the President as enumerated by the Constitution. The Biden administration had argued before the Court that it had acted la...
In his speech, Biden said his administration expunged thousands of cannabis records, but his executive order used different language — it said he would issue pardons to people with cannabis offenses. It’s an important difference, because someone with an expunged record can say they...
I'M A 23-YEAR-OLD CONSTRUCTION WORKER WITH A GREAT CAREER AND NO COLLEGE DEBT House Republicansargued that project labor agreements lead to increases in taxpayer-funded construction costs of up to 20 percent, may reduce opportunities for qualified contractors, and exacerbates ...
In his speech, Biden said his administration expunged thousands of cannabis records, but his executive order used different language — it said he would issue pardons to people with cannabis offenses. It’s an important difference, because someone with an expunged record can say they do not have...
Cardenas then suggested Biden issue an executive order clearing debt holders of at least $10,000 in student loans. Cardenastold CBS Newsthat Biden then "smiled and said, 'You're going to like what I do on that, I'm looking to do something on that and I think you're going to like ...
Are you in favor of the Joe Biden Executive Order, just weeks before the midterm elections, to shift the Higher Education debt, of up to $10,000.00 per individual, to the taxpayers of this Republic (estimated at 1/2 trillion)? Yes, it costs so much to go to college,...
the Biden Agenda for Women intended to stop state laws violating Roe v. Wade.41In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the ruling of Roe v. Wade and eliminated the constitutional right previously upheld. President Biden issued a third Executive Order in 2023 to strengthen access to affordable con...
"And most importantly, is that it can be done by executive order, which means that Biden would not need Mitch McConnell or the Republican Senate to forgive people's student loans. The key is that we need to push him." BIDEN CALLS FOR ERASING SOME STUDENT LOAN DEBT, FACES PROGRESSIV...