What really happens from the Democrats’ quasi open-borders policy is a disaster both for the United States and the benighted Central American countries these illegals are fleeing. TIME OUT: Let’s be real and put that euphemistic desecration of the English language “undocumented workers” to re...
No matter what your opinion is on politics or Joe Biden himself, there is no denying that he has some incredible words of wisdom that everyone can learn from. So take a look at this collection of amazing Joe Biden quotes and prepare to be inspired!
BORDER ENCOUNTERS DROP SHARPLY AS TRUMP LAUNCHES CRACKDOWN ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION "Biden created so many problems with his open borders, problems that have resulted in death, destruction, suffering and theft, among other problems for the American people. So President Trump's right to st...
In a statement, a DHS spokesperson told Fox News Digital that CBP "has a broad national security and law enforcement mission that includes facilitating lawful trade and travel, securing our borders, and keeping harmful, counterfeit or illicit products from coming into our country." "On...
Greg is the producer and creator of USAWatchdog.com. The site’s slogan is “analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what’s really going on.” The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. USAWatchdog.com is neither ...
Morgan went on to say that the move is “one step further to fueling the perception and the reality that our borders are going to be open.” READ MORE ON FOX BUSINESS BY CLICKING HERE “It is driving the next illegal immigration crisis," he added. "One that will pale in comparison to...
Treasury Department quotes Bradley T. Smith, the Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, as saying: “The United States will not hesitate to hold accountable individuals, like Rogan, who use the power of their office to illicitly enrich themselves and their ...
They may get good ratings in the USofA, but they don’t exist outside of its borders. And that’s probably fine with them. 8. Sen. Marco Rubio The Florida freshman’s mystique hasn’t stretched to Asia and Europe, only Latin America and South America. ...
From aWe Love Trumparticle that said the Rockefeller speech from 1991 exposes an evil plot to dominate the world creating a single world government in a New World Order and they quote from a number of other articles on this subject and include these quotes; “Watch as he praises the media ...