"This historic election has proven that a majority of Americans are eager for secure borders, lower costs, peace through strength, and a return to common sense," Johnson said in a statement. "As more results come in it is clear that, as we have predicted all along, Republicans are poised...
Biden”s disingenuous Chinese spy satalite statement. It’s rather disingenuous of the Biden administration to pretend to be concerned about the safety of American citizenswhen they said and abet in the murder of thousands by fentanyl and other drugs with their open border policy. They don’t ...
Next to that small consolation, we now have the spectacle of Joe Biden’s handlers and media advisors frantically insisting that we have not seen the man stumble, fall, glitch out, wander away from the crowd, loose his composure and his last couple of brain cells … no, no, no. We hav...
8289 WORDLE (6) We received translation of Lord’s secret answer (6) W(ORDL*)Ein wordle, the “wordle” is the word you’re trying to guess, hence def = secret answer dohz 1 8301 FNORD (5) Stomach-turning leaf is a latent source of unease (5) F(NOR<)D dohz 1 ...
We’re so close to being “caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I have many lost family who don’t want the truth, including my husband & son. I’ve been banned from seeing my grandsons s...
Praeli said she worries the Biden administration has fallen into “the trap that the GOP has laid out for them.” She disagreed that Harris had misspoken. But she thinks the message will backfire. “The ‘do not come’ message in my view is a political calculation that t...
On Tuesday we learned that Joe Biden has selected California Senator and former Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, as his running mate. On Wednesday, the two are expected to make their first appearance together. Biden made his selection known to the public by announcing Harris' selection as ...
campus protesters know that, when recently speaking at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership meeting, Vice President Kamal Harris was right when she said, "We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. So...
Biden is “russian disinformation” or that there is no reason to fear China despite spy balloons over U.S. airspace and apps with proven malware; because lo and behold the real threat is that horrible no good rotten Donbas that wants autonomy. We’ve got to stop them because we care ...
“In any attempt to impose sea control in the northern Arabian Sea and to interdict Pakistani seaborne commerce by enforcing a blockade of major Pakistani maritime nodes, Indian carrier forces would have to devote a portion of their already meager airpower to attacking Pakistani vessels, thereby ex...