resourceappServicePlan'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2023-12-01'= {name:'toy-product-launch-plan-starter'location:'eastus'sku: {name:'F1'} }resourceappServiceApp'Microsoft.Web/sites@2023-12-01'= {name:'toy-product-launch-1'location:'eastus'properties: {serverFarmId:appServicePlan.idh...
Bicep複製 outputhostnamestring='${}' 如果App Service 將主機名稱指派給應用程式的方式變更,或部署至使用不同的 URL 的 Azure 環境,上述方法將會中斷。 請改用應用程式資源的defaultHostname屬性: Bicep複製 如何有效地使用版本控制? 當...
('Name of the managed application.')parammanagedAppNamestring@description('Nameforthe managedresourcegroup.')parammrgNamestring@maxLength(40)@description('Service plan name with maximum 40 alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Must be unique within aresourcegroupinyour subscription.')paramappServicePla...
本例中會看到 Azure App Service 方案與應用程式。
@description('The number of App Service plan instances.') @minValue(1) @maxValue(10) param appServicePlanInstanceCount int = 1 @description('sku of app service plan') param appServiceSkuName string = 'F1' @description('The Azure region into which the resources should be deployed.') ...
param webSiteNamestring=toLower('${webAppName}-appservice') 变量也是一样的,但是需要注意的时,我们不能在变量使用的时候引入循环,这个是不允许的 varname ='Allen'varstr='Hello, ${name}!' 3,资源属性 除了使用参数和变量之外,还可以使用资源属性来创建变量planid ...
the url of your azure openai resource. if you use the api key to authenticate against openai, you can specify the regional endpoint of your azure openai service (e.g., ). if you instead plan to use azure ad securit... 新内容 2024年12月17日 版本3.11.37 Bugfixes and Improvements App 隐私 开发者“Kimberly Bergey”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。
The plan for Aspire 9 is to support customization of the container app for services by leveraging the CDK to generate the bicep IaC for a given container app. To prepare for that new world, we'd likeazd infra synthto start writing bicep and to modify our deployment strategy for container ...
但如果父控件为body,而且没有明确设置body的宽度,那么就会出现以下的情况了。 代码: 1 2 3...