This Bicep sample deploys the resources to create a function app in Azure Functions that runs in a Flex Consumption plan.
Azure Cosmos DB Account with Web App This template deploys an Azure Cosmos DB account, an App Service Plan, and creates a Web App in the App Service Plan. It also adds two Application settings to the Web App that reference the Azure Cosmos DB account endpoint. This way solutions deployed...
az functionapp show -n <FUNCTION-APP-NAME> -g <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME> --query id --output tsv Create a file named config.bicep file and paste in the following code.Before you run this code, make sure to replace the placeholders surrounded by <> with your values.Bicep Copy ...
Suppose you want to find a template that builds an Azure App Service plan and app. Each quickstart template gives you the option to deploy the template directly to Azure or to view the template on GitHub. Keep in mind that the Azure Quickstart Templates are community contribut...
This template is based on the Bicep file at Quickstart: Create and deploy Azure Functions resources using Bicep which includes a storage account, hosting plan, function, and Application Insights. The next steps assume familiarity with that template. The template is saved as twitterfunc.bicep. It ...\",\"subject\":\"repo:organization/repository:environment:production\",\"description\":\"Deploy from GitHub Actions\",\"audiences\":[\"api://AzureADTokenExchange\"]}"echoValuesforGitHub secrets:echoClient ID:$appIdechoTenant ID:$(echo$sp| jq -r'.appOwner...
When using the portal to deploy a Key Vault. You can assign an access policy and give yourself access to get/list/set/delete/recover/backup/restore secrets. But when you deploy any resource in Azure using a Bicep file the identity of the user\service principal executing the deployment is NO...\n This script creates the Kubernetes config map, deployment, and service used by the magic8ball chatbot.\n\n#!/bin/bash\n\n# Variables\nsource ./\n\n# Attach ACR to AKS cluster\nif [[ $attachAcr == true ]]; ...
@description('Optional. The location to deploy to.') param location string = resourceGroup().location @description('Required. The name of the API Management service to create.') param apimServiceName string @description('Required. The name of the owner of the API Management service.') param...
{uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'resourcestg'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2023-04-01'= {name:uniqueStorageNamelocation:locationsku: {name:storageSKU}kind:'StorageV2'properties: {supportsHttpsTrafficOnly:true} }modulewebModule'./webApp.bicep'= {name:'webDeploy'params: {skuName:'S1'location...