Words of Wisdom, Words of Prophecy: Why and How Biblical Law Speaks in the Public SquareThe study of biblical law enables us to pursue justice. Its application involves selecting from a body of discourse and emerges not only from "rules" but from narrative and worldview. It also means ...
For Christians, conversations about discipline often begin with the question: Is spanking biblical? Keep reading to seek guidance and wisdom!
Sometimes we even seek to validate the Bible with worldly evidence rather than to interpret the evidence of the experts through God’s wisdom in the Bible. Faith in God means interpreting everything through his word, not interpreting his word through eve
Actions speak far louder than words in the case of this Galatians passage. We choose whether to sow in the flesh or sow in the Spirit. It doesn't matter if we are circumcised or not, or whatever distinctions we find the church draws today. What matters is our fruit. What Does the ...
Women are made by God with a need for male headship. When a woman has no father or even if…Read More January 17, 2023 Am I Enabling My Cheating Husband’s Sin by Staying with Him? Our modern Christian culture actually looks down on and shames women who believe they do not have a ...
I have two words for you – it is called “skilled trades”. Does the Bible support equal rights for all human beings? No it does not. Now you might say “Wait a minute! You just said in an earlier section that we are to regard all people regardless of race or gender as equally ...
The freedom for humans to choose what they allow into their homes, their thoughts and their bodies can only come from the Redeemer who gives His created beings the choice to accept or reject His wisdom and gift of eternal relationship with Him. ...
Six words that bring despair to the heart of the commuter. WorkLife Success January 2, 2025 From failing to thriving Restore Addiction Recovery not only helps men defeat their addictions but also equips them for full-time employment and prepares them to thrive in the real world. Chris Bolinger...
When we sincerely pray for others, it’s nearly impossible for a root of bitterness to grow in our hearts toward them. Instead of being quick to respond unkindly to our enemy, we can draw upon our relationship with God to respond to them with love and wisdom. “A gentle answer ...
In the opening words of Scripture, the Spirit or wind of God hovers over the creative void, brooding perhaps like a mother eagle (Gen 1:2); in the Bible’s closing lines, the Spirit and the bride—the church—offer an invitation to taste the water of life (Rev 22:17). Between the...