The "Word of Wisdom" is the common name of a section of the Doctrine and Covenants,[1] a book considered by many churches within the Latter Day Saint movement to consist of revelations from God. It is also the name of a health code based on this scripture, practiced most strictly by ...
It is also the name of a health code based on this scripture, practiced most strictly by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and to a lesser extent, some other Latter Day Saint movement denominations. In the LDS Church, compliance with the Word of Wisdom is ...
Share a Scripture (Words) 38個詞語 dc022811 預覽 TEST 7 (6.4-7.1-7.2) 50個詞語 nglbtran175 預覽 Calendar 31個詞語 rachiemillahh 預覽 RESTAURANT 老師11個詞語 quizlette7156849 預覽 Related words 9個詞語 metucoganglen 預覽 Từ đồng nghĩa (1) 15個詞語 Mailu262008 預覽 Let's Go...
Christian sites presenting scripture music and bible songs. Daily scripture readings - fresh from heaven. Free christian mp3. Hope, truth, wisdom that is God's Word. Always alive and ever beautiful. Living food that never perishes or fails.
This brings us to a brief consideration of the heavenly city, which is the subject of the song. It is known in Scripture as “the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem” (Heb. 12:22 ), and “the holy city, New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2 ...
President Boyd K. Packer has commented on the scripture in section 49 about forbidding to eat meat. Boyd K. Packer, “The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises,” April 1996 General Conference/ [
Female finger following holy bible scripture passage reflecting on the word of god BlackBoxGuild A Bearded Curlyhaired Man Reads the Christian Bible Reading the Word of God stockscountry Prophet in White Robe Holding Holy Bible in Hands, Telling Word of God to People Motortion Bible pages turning...
HEREis Psalm 127 from Corner Room Music. From their Facebook page: “Memorizing and meditating on Scripture is of the utmost importance in the life of the Christian. The Corner Room, created by Adam Wright of Cahaba Park Church in Birmingham, AL, exists to set God’s Word to music that...
we will reach forth to those things that are before, by the Light of the Word, waiting for the teachings of the Spirit of Truth, to lead us also into all truth, in a diligent comparing of scripture with scripture till the light thereof shine more and more unto the perfect day." (26...
1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity the 2nd person of the Trinity 2. (Theology) Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or representing divine revelation. Often called: the Word of God [translation of Greek logos, as in John 1:1] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Una...