Is tithing for Christians? is the most popular starting point for Christians researching this cherished but clearly unbiblical doctrine. Contains information shunned by many church leaders even thought they are simple teachings from Scr
As someone who has been teaching challenging narratological nomenclatures to students at all levels for nearly twenty years, I am sympathetic to the reviewer’s complaint. But these classroom experiences have also taught me that technical terms, when used judiciously, are absolutely crucial for parti...
Grace based bible studies about Jesus, apart from law. Learn about the grace and forgiveness that the New Covenant promises. From lukewarm Christians to forced tithing systems, we bust through all kinds of religious teaching with solid messages fully centered on Jesus Christ and the new covenant...
The first claim of tithing by some modern-day ministers is found in the story of Adam. It is said that when Adam ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. By doing this he was robbing God of the tithe. This erroneous teaching goes on to declare that the origi...
The first claim of tithing by some modern-day ministers is found in the story of Adam. It is said that when Adam ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. By doing this he was robbing God of the tithe. This erroneous teaching goes on to declare that the origi...
Of course I don’t claim to be a world renowned expert on the subject, but I do have many years of experience teaching what the bible has to say about it. If you'd like to see the video, scroll down to the middle of this post and watch the video of my teaching. ...