Awakening to the Truth, Awareness, “Don’t Forget to Drink Your Trump-Aid”, Baalpeor, Base 10 Artificial Tree of Life, Battle Between Good and Evil, Battle for Disclosure, Beast Machine, Bible Revelations, Biblical Propaganda, Biblical Prophecy, Biblical References, Biden Rubber Mask, Binah,...
A detailed exegetical study of the references to demons, unclean spirits and exorcism in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) with a view to evaluating the accommodation theory. This theory holds that, contrary to appearances, Jesus and the Synoptic writers did not actually believe in...
There are a surprising number of references to the practice of child sacrifice in the Bible, to its demon-idols, and to the places of sacrifice. I’ve tried to collect here all those that I can find. I have left off occurrences ofGehenna, but the background is obviously a strong one....
The adjective criminal is defined as “relating to, involving, or being a crime; relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crime; [or] guilty of crime.” As a noun criminal is defined as “one who has committed a crime; [or] a person who has been convicted of a cri...
But while people tend to equate this serpent with Satan, nothing in the Old Testament really indicates this, beyond some similarities between the Eden serpent and, say, Satan the accuser’s role in Job or references to serpents being crushed. In fact, Genesis 3 seems rather focused on the ...
The references are to the Benedictine edition (Paris, 1733). Celsus intoduces a Jewish rabbi as opposing Christianity from the Hebrew monotheistic point of view. "The rabbi first criticizes the documents of Christianity, and then the facts narrated. He points out difficulties in the Gospel ...
An interlinear approach to the Qurʾan’s incorporation of biblical material is presented in Reynolds 2018, which provides the complete translation of the Qurʾan by Qarai accompanied by Reynolds’s frequent annotation of the qurʾanic text with biblical references and material, including cross...
References: Ballentine, Debra Scoggins.The Conflict Myth and the Biblical Tradition. Oxford University Press, 2015. Black, Jeremy A., et al.Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary. Published by British Museum Press for the Trustees of the British Museum, 1992....
“The Jab”, Base 10 Artificial Tree of Life, Battle Between Good and Evil, Battle for Disclosure, Beast Machine, Bible, Bible Coding, Bible Revelations, Biblical Programming, Biblical Propaganda, Biblical Prophecy, Biblical References, Biological Hazards, Black Magic, Black Magic Curses, Black ...
demons obey. His healing deeds reinforced his teaching, and his teaching disclosed the meaning of his healings. Through gestures, material means (spittle and soil), touch, and authoritative word, Jesus was making real, making present the saving power of God. ...