God created a perfect world and society, as recorded in the first verse of the Bible but, for one reason or another, God had to destroy it before the situation as described in Genesis 1:2. This theory allowed for a society which existed for millions...
Dr. Azzacov, an atheist and his group who were trying to to listen to the earth's plate movements at certain intervals with supersensitive microphones, which were let down through the hole 12.4 Kilometres deep in the crust of the earth and heard the souls tormented “screaming”in agony. Th...
Other researchers highlight that the two deities were mentioned within the same ancient Sumerian poem, and suggest that the two names refer to the same dark god. Regardless of who is who, Nergal was one of the most powerful and feared gods of pestilence in Mesopotamian faiths. At his ...
Kappacan refer to the water demon, but it also means "raincoat". One theory is that residents would hang theirkappaor raincoats on the local bridge railing to dry them. Another is that it was named for a local merchant named Kihachi Kappaya. He funded the project of excavating Shinhori-...
The demons will then interject their thoughts into the person’s mind, telling them that they are in full agreement with their own destructive words to themselves, that they really are a nobody, that no one will ever love them, that they are a total failure in this life, and that they...
in itself, but also the allusion to the material whence human hands have fashioned the idols, and to their blindness and dumbness, refer to O. T. descriptions. But that the discourse is first in general concerning “the works of men’s hands,” and that then a more minute presentation ...
Centuries old advice on how to fight and remove evil spirits By: Glenn Dallaire This article is especially written in consideration for those who are being openly oppressed or attacked by demons and evil spirits, and are seeking to rid themselves or their homes of the influences or presence of...
Angels, being spiritual beings, can take on different forms. As we see in the Bible, at times they can appear as humans. But because Scripture offers some bizarre imagery as well for these beings, we cannot definitely know what one looks like.
As well as God's angels, the Bible tells of rebellious angels; that although were at one time some of God's angels, now work against God and all of God's creation. Satan/Lucifer/The Devil Satan is referred to by many names including Lucifer and 'the Devil'. I'll refer to him as...