As we can see in the two passages above the qualifications for a prophet were far simpler than for any other biblical office. If the person foretold future events that actually came true AND they were not attempting to lead people away from the God of the Bible then people should listen to...
They take passages like Matthew 20:26-28 along with John 13:1–5 to try and paint a Jesus who was always seeking to please others – to be the ultimate Mr. Nice Guy. But the truth is that the primary way Christ came to serve mankind was not to wash people’s feet. It was not ...
The Paperback Bible is a portable format designed specifically for study. Promoted Content The Meaning of the Passover Jim Byrd Thirteenth Street Baptist Church Play AudioPlay Video New Ministry Toolkit for Pastors Free download of wedding and funeral outlines, pastoral care passages, and artic...
— From the passages in the Epistles of Jude and Peter, already quoted, and more particularly from the language of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11, it appears that at a very early period the Agapae were perverted from their original design; the rich frequently practiced a selfish indulgence, to ...
To fix the sense of the passages in the Scriptures which related to the dispute, a new Dutch translation of the whole Bible, from the original Hebrew and Greek, was undertaken at the command of the synod. This new version was published in 1637. The Arminians, being dissatisfied with the ...
Some of the most beautiful passages in all of the Bible. Jesus, second person of the triune Godhead became one of us. God became flesh and dwelled (tabernacled) among us. That is something to meditate on and to grasp. Jesus, even before the foundation of the world already knew that He...
t a thing so high birthrates and high infant mortality were also quite normal. So it would actually be quite strange if none of those households cited had any babies in them. In fact, if infant baptism was against the rules we would expect at least one of these passages to specifically...
He frequently quotes the LXX, but in other passages he is as plainly indebted to the original. On the other hand, the quotations in the Epistle to the Hebrews are all derived from the LXX. There are no distinct traces of a knowledge of the ...
They even shame men for crying at the funeral of departed loves ones, their weddings or the birth of their children. Both sides are wrong. The far left is wrong in saying that men should allow themselves to express their emotions more as well as their fears and concerns just as women ...