the resurrection of the dead has also come through a human being; for as all die in Adam, so all will be made alive in Christ. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ....
Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version 圣灵的来临 2 五旬节 [a]到了,他们都聚在一个地方。 2 突然,从天上传来一个声音,好似狂风大作一般,充满了他们所在的屋子。 3 一团火舌般的烈焰出现在他们面前,然后分别落在了每个人的身上。所有的人于是都充满了圣灵, 4 并且按照圣灵赐予的...
Over a quarter of those surveyed (29%) said they heard parts of the Bible they had never heard before during the Queen's funeral, rising to 40% among 18 to 24 year olds. For one-third of the respondents, those Bible passages were moving and 31% found them“...
Jehoiakim remained relentlessly hostile toward Jeremiah. On one occasion, when an early draft of the prophet's writings was being read to Jehoiakim (36:21), the king used a scribe's knife to cut the scroll apart, three or four columns at a time, and threw it piece by piece into the ...
ASOR has launched a new website for The Ancient Near East Today (ANE Today), their “open-access digital platform for public scholarship, disseminating the latest research, insights, and news about the ancient Near East and beyond.” You can read more about the changes and new features here...
This is where the “we” passages of Acts begin (see Introduction:... Ac 16:11 16:11. Samothracia. An island in the northeastern Aegean Sea. It was a convenient place for... Ac 16:12 16:12. Philippi. A city in eastern Macedonia named after P...
The Committee appointed by James I of England that was tasked with the translation of the Bible was made of men who had read the Bible in Hebrew, Greek and Latin and knew these passages. Yet they chose to translate tachashim as unclean badgers "that goeth upon paws" whose carcasses the ...
The Bibles I have purchased at a reasonable price are easy to navigate, similar to an app. I can read, pray and meditate without social media notifications interfering. What is cool is that I can still post passages to Facebook, through Kindle even though the ereader doesn’t have Face...
2021-TEM4- 2021-TEM4- PAGE # TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2021) -GRADE FOUR- TIME LIMIT: 130MIN PART I DICTATION |10 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try...
It is observable that she took care to pour it all out upon Christ’s head; she broke the box (so we read it); but because it was an alabaster box, not easily broken, nor was it necessary that it should be broken, to get out the ointment, some read it, she shook the box, or...