the branch of theology that specializes in interpretation, or exegesis, of Biblical literature. Historically, exegetes have recognized four levels of meaning in the Bible: the historical or literal, the allegorical, the moral, and the anagogical or mystical, putting emphasis on the necessity of ...
The name meaning is sad, but Leah remains a powerful figure in biblical accounts. Leah had a sad story as the unloved wife of Jacob, who preferred her younger sister, Rachel. According to the Old Testament, Jacob loved Rachel but was tricked by his father-in-law into marrying Leah, the...
5, 10, 3) ingeniously makes it correspond to the well-known Greek name Θεαίτητος.(4) שׁמוּעִ אֵל, "heard of God." This, which is the most obvious, may have the same meaning as the previous derivation, which is supported by the sacred text ...
(Researches, 3:373) of a Druse village, built on a hill which rises 200 feet above the level of the plain, and commands a noble view of the great basin of the Hlleh; it bears the name of Mutulleh or Metelleh, an Arabic word of the same meaning as Mizpah, and employed to ...
THE LORD/ALLAH IS THE DEVIL/SATAN, THE EXOTERIC DEITY OF FREEMASONSThe end-times religious cult leaders are so excited about the meaning of 666 as it relates to the famous verse in the Apocalypse or Book of “Revelation.” So what is the significance of 666? Is it a bar code? Is it...
Joseph, in the Old Testament, son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife Rachel. As Jacob’s name became synonymous with all Israel, so that of Joseph was eventually equated with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom. According to tradition, his
Exodus 4:25 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. Exodus 6:3 Hebrew El-Shaddai Exodus 6:3 See note at 3:15. Exodus 6:12 Hebrew I am uncircumcised of lips; also in verse 30 Exodus 6:14 The Hebrew for families here and in verse 25 refers to ...
1846, p. 24,25), recognizing the meaning of the name of Levi as given above, finds in it evidence of the existence of a confederacy or synod of the priests that had been connected with the several local worships of Canaan, and who, in the time of Samuel and David, were gathered ...
He and his brother Armoni were among the seven victims who were surrendered by David to the Gibeonites, and by them crucified in sacrifice- to Jehovah, to avert a famine from which the country was suffering. There is no doubt about this being the real meaning of the word יָקִ...
841. Unfortunately the 25th Mesori of that year was 10th March. This is the only monumental notice supposed to refer to an eclipse: not worth much at the best; the record, even if its meaning were certain, is not contemporary.