of Biblical literature. Historically, exegetes have recognized four levels of meaning in the Bible: the historical or literal, the allegorical, the moral, and the anagogical or mystical, putting emphasis on the necessity of a foundation for the latter three in the literal sense. —exegete,n....
Amram – Name meaning “exalted nation” Eli – Hebrew name that comes from “aly” (high). The biblical Eli was a high priest and the last judge of Israel. He trained the prophet, Samuel. Genesis –Gender-neutral namewithGreekand Hebrew origins; name means “origin” or “birth” ...
(Researches, 3:373) of a Druse village, built on a hill which rises 200 feet above the level of the plain, and commands a noble view of the great basin of the Hlleh; it bears the name of Mutulleh or Metelleh, an Arabic word of the same meaning as Mizpah, and employed to ...
(4) שׁמוּעִ אֵל, "heard of God." This, which is the most obvious, may have the same meaning as the previous derivation, which is supported by the sacred text (1Sa 1:20). II. History.— 1. Private Life.— The circumstances of his birth were ominous of...
significance arid theological meaning; an essential interrela- tionship exists between the political and empirical reality of the land as a Jewish state and all biblical statements about its spir- itual or theological functions. The land of Israel cannot be re- ...
Matthew, and in several Hebrew copies...It has been retained by Protestants in their New Testament, but they have failed to discern its lofty and wonderful meaning, which would have unveiled to them all the Mysteries of the Apocalypse. There is, however, a tradition in the Church that the...
the story show dependence upon the ancient Egyptian “Tale of Two Brothers,” but in characteristically Hebraic fashion, the narrator in Genesis has ignored the mythical and magical motifs in the Egyptian tale, and the focus of the outcome is placed on its meaning for the whole house of ...
Exodus 4:25 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. Exodus 6:3 Hebrew El-Shaddai Exodus 6:3 See note at 3:15. Exodus 6:12 Hebrew I am uncircumcised of lips; also in verse 30 Exodus 6:14 The Hebrew for families here and in verse 25 refers to ...
There is no doubt about this being the real meaning of the word יָקִע, translated here and in Nu 25:4 "hanged up" (see Michaelis's Supplement, No. 1046; also Gesenius, Thesaur. p. 620; and Furst, Handwb. p. 539 b). Aquila has ἀναπήγνυμι, ...
If this distinction be correct, the meaning attached to nâham will give force to Pr 19:12. The terms which describe the movements of the animal are equally distinct: רָבִוֹ, râbats' (Genesis 49:9; Eze 19:2), is applied to the crouching of the lion, as well as...