Secondly, it refers to the celestial narrative that "someone is coming," the redeemer, the promised seed who is Jesus Christ. He is the central figure and subject of God's Word. He is the one of whom the 12 signs of the zodiac prophesy, the one who embodies the light of the world,...
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I am the one who helps you, declares the Lord; your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel...
One such [vague] speculation is that Christ would still have become man even if no means of redeeming mankind had been needed…But since all Scripture proclaims that to become our Redeemer he was clothed with flesh, it is too presumptuous to imagine another reason or another end. We well kn...
It is plain that the proposition, "Jesus is the Christ," when understood in the latitude of meaning which we have shown belongs to it, contains a complete summary of the truth respecting the divine method of salvation. To believe that proposition, rightly understood, is to believe the Gospel...
The Hebrew concept of the kinsman-redeemer-avenger appears extensively in the Old Testament and is given deep spiritual significance in the prophets, in which Yahweh promises to take on this role to save His people. In the New Testament, the very same language is used of Christ, implying his...
Again, the Redeemer was not only to propound, explain, and enforce God's law, but it was needful that he. should give a practical proof of obedience to it in his own person (comp. Ro 5:19). Now, if he had not been man, he could not have been subject to the law; hence it ...
When we have made our focus on worship about the style of music, we have lost the real meaning of worship. Our worship should not be dictated by the style of music we like or dislike. Our worship should be dictated by what we believe. Our worship should be directed toward God, not ou...
Of course, this does not make any sense, but this is what the guru, John Walton, would have us believe from p50 of his book The Lost World of Genesis, where he says: “the meaning of the repeated formula ‘it was good’, which I propose refers to functioning properly…functional readi...
‘The convictions we need to rally around should be about life giving, community, transformation, holistic personal growth, sacrifice, beauty, blessing and world renewal. Who wouldn’t want to be part of a people committed to something that brings personal meaning and makes the world a better ...
שֶׁלֶם is the sacrifice or retribution restoring peace, and thus the meaning of σωτήριον touches upon the meaning of propitiation. "From this comparison, therefore, of the N.T.. the Sept., and the Hebrew, we gather the following conclusions: Propitiation, giving ...