20-28 with an emphasis upon the church leader's Christ-like character development. I developed the lectures and taught them during a series of sessions in a Bible college course on Ecclesiology in Spanish. I analyzed the students' input and reactions while evaluating the learning outcomes to ...
However, this approach also raises red flags: To what extent does Stackert use Harshav’s definition and understanding of literature because that method and framework match a source-critical approach? Although the book’s flow suggests otherwise, is Harshav merely a convenient theoretical framework ...
⇒Definition ofalexandrian This MS. is now in the manuscript room of the British Museum, where it was placed on the formation of that library in 1753. It previously belonged to the king's private collection, having been presented to Charles I through Sir Thomas Roe, English ambassador to ...
⇒Definition of captivityThe nation thus transported by the monarchs of Assyria and Babylon were treated with no unnecessary harshness, even under the dynasty that captured them. So far were they from the condition of bondsmen (which the word "captive" suggests), that the book of Susanna ...
Before referencing his article, let me give a definition of “restoration.” This is the word used in your New Testament in Acts 3:21. The Greek word is apokathistami, and it means “to restore to its former state;…to be in its former state….” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of...
Definition of Anarcho-Theocracy Prima facie Case for Anarcho-Theocracy Response to Objections Bibliography "For the Americans," Tocqueville found, "the ideas of Christianity and liberty are so completely mingled that it is almost impossible to get them to conceive of one without the other; it is ...
Bigby is an immense physical presence, even when standing next to the likes of trolls and actual Beasts. He’s the definition of noir cool, sizing up potential threats calmly, cigarette in hand (or mouth). Launching into fights headfirst, fur bursts from his arms as he slams targets into...
2. Origin and History of the Idea. — ⇒Definition of log(1.) John uses the term Logos without explanation, assuming that his readers know it to bear this sense. Accordingly, we find this conception of it not new with him, but a chief element in the development of the Old- ...
Toward the end of his reign he even issued edicts against paganism. He was baptized himself shortly before his death. SEE CONSTANTINE. ⇒Definition of christianChristianity during the first period of its history was not only exposed to the persecution of the emperors, but also to the literary...
He points out that the Evangelical Theological Society officially adopted the CSBI as its definition of inerrancy. He provides five reasons for the importance and fundamental position of inerrancy. He notes that some of the authors of FVBI misunderstand “truth” and some of them wrongly assume ...