字Character 字源Etymology SettingsBiblical 'bɪblɪkəl Main English Definition (形) As an adjective Biblical. Biblical. Hyphenation bib•li•cal Part of Speech (形) adjective New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search...
Define Biblical Literature. Biblical Literature synonyms, Biblical Literature pronunciation, Biblical Literature translation, English dictionary definition of Biblical Literature. n. 1. a. The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings
The biblical character- English Only forum The Biblical Names of God- English Only forum win over (in a biblical sense)- English Only forum wonder what the biblical response is; this is a good opportunity- English Only forum 访问Chinese 论坛。
Define knows in the biblical sense. knows in the biblical sense synonyms, knows in the biblical sense pronunciation, knows in the biblical sense translation, English dictionary definition of knows in the biblical sense. to understand as true: I know the
⇒Definition of adultery3. Spiritual. — Adultery, in the symbolical language of the Old Testament, means idolatry and apostasy from the worship of the true God (Jer 3:8-9; Eze 16:32; Eze 23:37; also Re 2:22). Hence an adulteress meant an apostate Church or city, particularly "...
In general, he offers intriguing examples of play for the respective areas, but much of his discussion is rooted in his definition of what constitutes play and how to identify play (as he discusses in chapters 1 and 2). Thus, I would have liked a more thoughtful, philosophically rooted ...
⇒Definition of jehovahHence many recent writers have followed the opinion of those who think that the word in question was originally pronounced יהוָֹה, Yahvoh', corresponding to the Greek Ι᾿αώ. But this view, as well as that which maintains the correctness of the ...
⇒Definition of angelI. Their Existence and Orders. — In the Scriptures we have frequent notices of spiritual intelligences existing in another state of being, and constituting a celestial family or hierarchy, over which Jehovah presides. The Bible does not, however, treat of this matter ...
Definition of Anarcho-Theocracy Prima facie Case for Anarcho-Theocracy Response to Objections Bibliography "For the Americans," Tocqueville found, "the ideas of Christianity and liberty are so completely mingled that it is almost impossible to get them to conceive of one without the other; it is ...
To analyze and extract phylogenetic information from chemical characters, the 3 尾 -hydroxysterol composition of 12 sponge species of various families of the Poriferan order Halichondrida (sensu lato), was determined. The current definition of the order is ambiguous, and its classification remains ...