a 'normal' year has 354 days, but upon every 2 or 3 years a leapmonthis added with 384 days in that year. Likewise, the 'normal' 360-day year of the Prophetic Calendar adds a 30-day leap month at regular intervals, with that ...
Year 2025: The FINAL Jubilee?!? America In Bible Prophecy Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by …“TRAITORS” Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church Note: As reported earlier, Catholic news sites are reporting the “historic” number of Roman Catholics in Trump’s Adm...
is part of a larger account telling of a visit paid to Bethel by "a man of God" from Judah. The Judean prophet uttered a curse upon the altar erected there by Jeroboam I. When the king attempted to use force against him, the prophet was saved by divine intervention; the king then i...
each slightly different yet matching Godtype. Also, if the start date to the first Jubilee is by chance documented within the pages of the Bible it should collide with Godtype’s 2029/30 completion date for the“Christian Age”.Marking the end of a 2000 year “Great” NF-Jesus period (12...
7482 Year of Jubilee 7482 Year of Jubilee Celebrated in the fiftieth year as the culmination of seven sabbatical... 7511 Gentiles, in OT 7511 Gentiles, in OT Under the OT, Gentiles were generally excluded from the worship of the... 7520 dispersion, the 7520 dispersion...
The most holy day of Israel’s year (the tenth day of the seventh month) on... 7315 blood, as basis of life 7315 blood, as basis of life Scripture treats blood as the basis of life, and regards the... 7318 blood, as symbol of guilt 7318 blood, as ...
Jubilee Bible Church June 24-28, 2024 | 9:00am – 12:30pm 900 Foster Avenue, Medinah, IL 60157 (630) 980-9421 $40/child (scholarships available). Age 3 (and potty trained) – 5th grade. Naperville VBS Alleluia Lutheran Church
Time Wheel of History Chronology of Wilderness Wandering Ancient History By Sabbaticals, Jubilees, Generations The Celestial Clock H. GOD’S TRUTH IN GEOGRAPHY Sacred Geography – Old Testament Si...
32.two hundred and five years] For this figure the Samaritan version gives 145, obviously in order to make the year of Abram’s departure from Haran (when Abram was 75 years old; seeGenesis 12:4) coincide with the year of Terah’s death, since Abram was born (Genesis 11:26) in Ter...
According to the tractate Rosh hashshanah, great attention was paid to the observation of the new moon; but it was laid down that there could not be more than seven, nor fewer than five, thirty-day months in any year. 3. Sectarian. a. The Book of Jubilees refers to a calendar of ...