The principles of how these two great lights rule over the day and night, marking out days, months and years, are also preserved in the luni-solar Hebrew calendar, unified according to the phi ratio, in symphony with the 50-year cycle of the Hebrew Jubilee. This phi ratio, also known ...
the Sabbath of Sabbatic years, after six Sabbatic years; 5. the Sabbath of festivals = the Day of Atonement, after six festivals, SEE JUBILEE, THE YEAR OF; hence the Sabbath of weeks, i.e. Pentecost, must also be at the end of six common weeks after Passover, which could be ...
Christmas, the day (December 25th) which is celebrated throughout nearly the whole of Christendom as the birthday of our Savior. "It is occupied, therefore, with the event — the incarnation — which forms the center and turning- point of the history of the world. It is, of all the fes...
have thought to find a note of time in 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30, "Ye shall eat this year such as groweth of itself," etc., assuming that the passage is only to be explained as implying the intervention of a sabbath-year, or even of a sabbath-year followed by a year of jubilee. ...
Therefore, in remembrance of this event, the day on which the king received the translation was kept as a jubilee on the isle of Pharos. The Alexandrian Jews, however, were not satisfied with merely translating the books of their ancestors, but they produced a number of works of their own...