Daily Bible verse in multiple translations. Supporting languages: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebr…
4. Unity and Accountability.We are better equipped to resist the enemy’s wiles when we are united, standing firm in the truth, and supporting one another. Christians must encourage, exhort, and hold each other accountable, ensuring that none are led astray by the deceptive tactics of in...
A click in the lower right corner leads you to a very short devotion associated with the verse. On the left is a click to share with others. I love it! more leejo35 , 11/14/2018 I love this app First thing every morning I start with this wonderful daily inspiration. The ...
Verse of the Day Get Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day every day in your inbox in up to five different translations! Verse of the Day A daily Bible verse in up to five different Bible versions. Visual Verse of the Day NIV Receive a daily Bible verse and image in the New Internation...
(Note: The following are distinct from the word when it is auxiliary to the tenses of other... HEAD kephalē (κεϕαλή, 2776), besides its natural significance, is used (a) figuratively in Rom... HEART (hardness of) sklērokardia (σκληροκ...
"Anarchism" is seen in verse 3: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt have no other archists before Me. "Anarchism" -- a world free from false gods, false lords, and false kings -- is the "Good News" -- the Gospel.The...
The New King James is very similar to the Old King James, other than it provides a note regarding readings of other transcripts. A bit of a surprise for a fellow that has his foundation in the KJV, but it set me on a trek to understand this verse in a whole new way. ...
In 1995, the verse was changed to read: "If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so thatshe gives birth prematurely,yet there is no injury..." One explanation for this may be that, between 1977 and 1995, American politics had changed so that the GOP and Chr...
“Because you have kept My command to persevere,I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10) This verse could be literal interpretation – that Jesus will keep His Body of believers who are...
“There’s a lot of interest from districts around the state in Bluebonnet, and we are sort of non-stop helping answer those inquiries, supporting them, answering their questions, trying to help facilitate transition,” Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath told the State Board of...