The Book of Proverbs offers wisdom on the value of supportive relationships: "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17). This verse highlights the role of friends and family in providing emotional support during difficult times.The Apostle Paul, in ...
This verse highlights the ongoing nature of encouragement as a continuous practice among believers.Similarly, Hebrews 10:24-25 underscores the significance of communal encouragement: "And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not neglect meeting together, as ...
The Bible And Its Influence On My Life I haven’t read very many books in my life, so the selection to choose from to find one that changed my life is very slim. Among those books is the Bible and none of the others have had anywhere near the impact this one has had on me. By...
The background is beautiful and subdued with a single Bible verse written upon it. A click in the lower right corner leads you to a very short devotion associated with the verse. On the left is a click to share with others. I love it! more leejo35 , 11/14/2018 I love this app...
Prayer Diary: Bible Meditation, Bible Verse Motivation & Daily Prayer for Christian Women. Discover a place of peace, faith, hope, strength, and healing with…
祸哉! 那些下埃及求帮助的,是因仗赖马匹,倚靠甚多的车辆,并倚靠强壮的马兵,却不仰望以色列的圣者,也不求问耶和华。其实,耶和华有智慧;他必降灾祸,并不反
Jackie, looking at the exact words of the biblical verse, notes that God’s initial question is value-neutral. It could be rhetorical and an expression of anger, or it could be a genuine question. Another student asks Jackie to clarify: Zack:You think God’s not mad? Jackie clarifies ...
No "civil governments" were left on planet earth. Human beings lived in a social condition which economist Murray Rothbard called "anarcho-capitalism." We call this the “Vine & Fig Tree” society (Micah 4:1-5).What Bible verse can you point to to prove that this stateless society is ...
“Because you have kept my command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth.” This verse is a promise made by Christ to one of His seven churches, the church of Philadelphia. The hour of ...
I just finished a post on James 2:12-13, under the “Let me Tell You a Story” series and while I was trying to unpack James’ intended message (that I think I finally understand), I was about to refer to our verse in Proverbs under consideration this morning. I understood it would...