Years ago, my wife and I were fellowshipping at a small church nearby. A personal friend and pastor invited me to be his associate because of his busy schedule. One evening we attended a pot-faith supper at a home with a prayer vigil afterward. Before prayer began, pastor Anthony was ca...
Charles Taylor insists, must not be guilty of crushing human flourishing by a too-small vision of God and an unloving or unenergetic approach to our neighbors. Instead, we must study and prepare to ‘respond most profoundly and convincingly to what are ultimately commonly...
middle and high school students in their small groups, a women’s Bible study, and our worship team preparing for Sundays.Over 500 people are here each Wednesday night for these opportunities.
I know many believers who “don’t have a church they go to,” or who “haven’t found a fellowship.” My encouragement is to seek Christ throughout the week, in prayer, in Scripture reading and meditation, in interaction with friends and anyone you interact with (check-out clerks, fell...
How did 2021 begin for me? Sober, silent, sane and secure. What an Evening!! September 18, 2020, posted inChristian Living,Discipleship,God's Word,The Bible,Uncategorized It happened again last night. Three couples gathered on our back porch and had a special evening of fellowship, exhortati...
C) Fellowship – along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. ILLUSTRATIONS In the comic strip “Cathy”, Cathy loves candy. In one story line, Cathy is trying to avoid the temptation of eating candy: Cathy goes for a drive to get her mind off the temptation of eating...
We take our part as disciples in study, breaking bread, and fellowship. We try to stay away from those things we shouldn’t be doing, and when we fall into sin, we do our best to find our way back to God. We tell and show people about God’s love for them. We serve those in...
以斯拉祷告,认罪,哭泣,俯伏在 神殿前的时候,有以色列中的男女孩童聚集到以斯拉那里,成了大会,众民无不痛哭。属以拦的子孙、耶歇的儿子示迦尼对以斯拉说:
I baptised in Dec, 2018 and then continued to study the bible in the fellowship. In Apr, 2019, I enrolled to an online photography course in coursera after taking photos as hobby for 20 years. I learnt how to take photos in a catholic school and my first assignment was to see the be...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f