Bible Study Video Sessions Clearance Trending Items Bible Studies For Life: Kids Grades 1-3 & 4-6 Leader Guide - CSB/KJV Spring 2025 4.8 (196reviews) $9.99 Add to Cart Fellowship Cup® - Prefilled Communion Cups (100 Count) 4.8
You are such a blessing to me. I absolutely love your way of teaching the scriptures. I don’t have a church where I can have fellowship and teaching, so you have been my teacher for many months now. Thanks God you are there for all of us wh...
Charles Taylor insists, must not be guilty of crushing human flourishing by a too-small vision of God and an unloving or unenergetic approach to our neighbors. Instead, we must study and prepare to ‘respond most profoundly and convincingly to what are ultimately commonly...
Years ago, my wife and I were fellowshipping at a small church nearby. A personal friend and pastor invited me to be his associate because of his busy schedule. One evening we attended a pot-faith supper at a home with a prayer vigil afterward. Before prayer began, pastor Anthony was ca...
MANNA BIBLEFELLOWSHIP WELCOME TO Doing Life Together Manna is a Life-Group of Valley Baptist Church that features in-depth expository teaching in a lecture format. Quarterly study booklets are provided so members may study ahead. It is a large class, yet includes prayer time and snacks each Sun...
” Ephesians 3:9,“And to make all [men] see what [is] the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:” Colossians 1:25,“Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which ...
I was at a home fellowship once which was not my own, and I happened to reference the Holy Spirit as an “it.” One young man spoke right up in an affronted tone. “You called the Holy Spirit an it!” he exclaimed! Well, let’s get to the bottom of the Holy Spirit, or Holy ...
(MacArthur Commentary) God's Intimate Fellowship with Moses (Ex 33:11): Here Moses speaks with God as a man speaks to his friend. (Peake's Commentary) The Divine Presence Restored: "Moses served as the link between the Israelites and God: he interceded with God on behalf of the people...
Thursday morning:On Thursday morning, Wildwood offers a number of different women’s Bible studies, as well as a children’s program for the children of those in the Bible study, aged pre-K and below. Thursday night:Wildwood is the Norman host for Bible Study Fellowship classes for men, wo...
当时, 耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。他禁食四十昼夜,後来就饿了。那试探人的进前来,对他说:你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。耶稣却回答说: