Below are some of the Bible prophecies that foretold that the people of Israel would be forced into exile. Deuteronomy 4:25-30Moses prophetically warns his people of exile if they turn away from God Jesus the Prophet Jesus accurately predicted his death and resurrection, the rise of false ...
Jesus' prophecy encompasses the predictions and foretellings made by Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry, as recorded in the New Testament. These prophecies cover a wide range of topics, including His own death and resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the destruction of Jerusalem, ...
Curious about End Times Bible prophecies? Want to get updates on breaking news and how it relates to Biblical prophecy? If you want to learn about the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, the Return of Jesus, the Rapture, the Third Temple, the Book of explains Bible prophecy that has been fulfilled and prophecies that will be fulfilled during the End Times
current coronavirus outbreak is not an event prophesied in the Bible for the seven-year Tribulation. The world simply hasn't entered that time period yet. However, it is significant to bible prophecy, because it sets the stage for the near-term fulfillment of many end times bible prophecies....
Many prophecies have been fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ, while others await future fulfillment. The Berean approach to Scripture encourages believers to examine the texts diligently, as seen in Acts 17:11: "Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for ...
Bible prophecy and fulfilled bible prophecies are one of the most powerful evidences for the argument that the bible is the inspired word of God. Even in secular circles bible prophecy news is beginning to circulate around the globe as ancient prophecies
Bible knowledge: Did you know there are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NONE have ever been wrong. Three Bible prophecies of these days are— violence, and public unrest, and diseases shall increase. Life's #1 decision: Will “YOU” repent and trust in Jesus, plus read and obey the Bible?
Bible knowledge: Did you know there are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NONE have ever been wrong. Three Bible prophecies of these days are— violence, and public unrest, and diseases shall increase. Life's #1 decision: Will “YOU” repent and trust in Jesus, plus read and obey the Bible?
many scholars are of the conviction that the prophecies of Obadiah and Joel belong to an earlier period, although others place them in the post-exilic period. In any case, the expectation of a day of settlement by Yahweh with His people was already in the days of Amos common and current ...