current coronavirus outbreak is not an event prophesied in the Bible for the seven-year Tribulation. The world simply hasn't entered that time period yet. However, it is significant to bible prophecy, because it sets the stage for the near-term fulfillment of many end times bible prophecies....
14还有两天就到犹太逾越节和除酵节了。祭司长和律法师们想设法用诡计把耶稣抓起来杀掉。2可他们又说∶“我们决不能在过节的时候动手,免得引起人们暴动。” 一位女子荣耀耶稣 3在伯大尼,耶稣在麻风病人西门家里,正倚着桌子坐着,一位女子拿着一个雪花石制成的罐子,...
Jesus (6 years-29 or 5 years ago-before-4 years before the 29 or 30 or 2 years-36, full name Jeshua Ben Joseph, namely, "Joshua, the son of Joseph" [1]) is the central figure of Christianity, Christians believe that he is the Savior of the prophecies in the old testament of the...
Fulfilled prophecy provides the assurance that as yet unfulfilled prophecies will yet be fulfilled just as accurately, literally and completely. Jesus teaches us that when we see the fulfillment of these prophecies, we are to"recognize that He is near, right at the door [of returning]." ...
Bible prophecy and fulfilled bible prophecies are one of the most powerful evidences for the argument that the bible is the inspired word of God. Even in secular circles bible prophecy news is beginning to circulate around the globe as ancient prophecies
Bible knowledge: Did you know there are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NONE have ever been wrong. Three Bible prophecies of these days are— violence, and public unrest, and diseases shall increase. Life's #1 decision: Will “YOU” repent and trust in Jesus, plus read and obey the Bible?
Bible knowledge: Did you know there are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NONE have ever been wrong. Three Bible prophecies of these days are— violence, and public unrest, and diseases shall increase. Life's #1 decision: Will “YOU” repent and trust in Jesus, plus read and obey the Bible?
Bible knowledge: Did you know there are app 10,385 Bible prophecies. NONE have ever been wrong. Three Bible prophecies of these days are— violence, and public unrest, and diseases shall increase. Life's #1 decision: Will “YOU” repent and trust in Jesus, plus read and obey the Bible?
1:11 The Father’s pronouncement would have reminded the audience of the messianic prophecies of ... Mk 1:12 Immediately. 1:12 Immediately. See note on v. 10. Jesus’ temptation came right after His baptism. the Spirit... Mk 1:13 forty days....