The XRD pattern results reveal that the β-Bi2O3 phase exists in all as-prepared samples. The UV–Vis spectra show that the optical adsorption ability of β-Bi2O3 has been greatly enhanced by loading with Mn3O4. The HRTEM results show that the Mn3O4/β-Bi2O3 heterostructures were ...
从图1中可以看出复合粉体的颗粒尺寸均t30nm,XRD分析结果表明(430)焙烧后复合粉体由B-Bi2O3和Y2O3两种 。基金项目!国家自然科学基金资助项目,20101006, 收稿日期!2003-11-13通讯作者!甄强 作者简介!何伟明(1979),,男,浙江金华人,在读硕士,2001年于上海大学获工学学士学位,现在上海大学材料学院材料科学与工程系,...
The XRD pattern indicates that the sample calcined at 600 and 700 °C are all in pure monoclinic form with the existence of higher crystallinity for 600 °C. The optical study confirms that Bi2O3 can be used as a visible light photocatalyst. It is concluded that the pseudo second order ...
The results are superimposed in a unique pattern and identified with different colors. A first estimation of its lattice parameters is shown. Diagram at the the PowerCell program34. (b) Sum of bottom correspond to the XRD patterns (Cu anode, pattern of the λ = 1.5406 Å...
XRD pattern of as-synthesizedapristine BiOBr and BiOBr/Bi2O3composites,benlarged view of diffraction region between 20° and 35° Full size image Furthermore, the crystalline size (d) and micro-strain (ε) values of pristine BiOBr and BiOBr/Bi2O3composites are calculated using Eqs. (3) an...
Fig.1 XRD pattern of the powdered samples of 2 # , 4 # and 6 # 2.1.2 密度测试 实验结果如表1,可见该体系玻璃的密度整体比 较大,这是由于Bi 2 O 3 的摩尔质量远大于SiO 2 和B 2 O 3 . 另外,样品密度随 SiO 2 整体变化不大,但随着 SiO 2 摩尔含量的增加呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,这...
在可见光照射下,分别以纯的Bi2O3、ZnO 和Bi2O3-ZnO为光催化剂,通过降解染料亚甲基蓝(MB)和苯酚进行光催化性能研究.%One-dimensional Bi2O3-ZnO composite materials have been successfully synthesized by solvothermal method using Bi2O3 nanorods as precursors.XRD pattern shows that the as-prepared ...
6). Solid solution of Bi1−xSb1−xTe2xO4 exist for the range (0 ≤ x≤ 0.1) (compositions B and C) and the lattice parameters from XRD pattern are listed in Table 3. They are compared to BiSbO4 phase. We find that the coupled substitution of antimony and bismuth atoms in size...
An XRD pattern of a platinum film deposited at 410 °C on glass is shown in Fig. 6 and consists of only two peaks, assigned to platinum metal (JCPD Card No. 004-0802); the low signal to noise ratio and high background between 20° and 30° 2θ is due to the glass substrate. ...
be identified on the XRD pattern. .1h in different magnification In Fig.2. Powders seem to be a continuous and homogeneous material without voids. These powders have a pseudospherical morphology. The elemental analysis of Di sp er si ve X- ray Anal ysi s ...