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收盘价 12/24 13:00 (美东) 48.650 0.0000.00% 盘后13:00 (美东) 28.88亿总市值-2.42市盈率TTM 48.745最高价48.000最低价13.00万股成交量48.200今开48.070昨收630.26万成交额0.22%换手率亏损市盈率(静)5935.43万总股本54.73052周最高0.52市净率28.56亿流通值40.00052周最低--股息TTM5870.50万流通股67.550历史最高...
Brighthouse Financial stock gains on the back of higher annuity and life insurance sales, a high-quality portfolio, financial flexibility and prudent capital deployment.
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美股内部交易 | Brighthouse于3月5日披露2笔公司内部人交易情况 Brighthouse(BHF)于2025年3月5日披露2笔公司内部人交易,高管LambertMyles于3月3日卖出8180股及2206股。 同花顺 02-19 22:27 Wells Fargo调高评级Brighthouse评级为持股观望 最新目标价59.00美元 WellsFargo调高Brighthouse评级为持股观望,最新目标价59.00...
Thus, 1 Covered Call = long 100 shares of a stock + short 1 call option. The aggregate operation is typically known as covered call writing. It is called “covered” because should the option be exercised you own the stock required to fulfill the delivery obligation for the 100 shares, as...
Break Even - the price of the underlying stock at which break-even is achieved Bear Call Spread: (short call strike price + the premium received from the sale of the short call) Bull Call Spread: (long call strike price + the net premium paid to buy the long call) Bear Put Spread:...
Brighthouse Financial Inc stock price (BHF) in EUR Mua hoặc bán một cổ phiếu không được giao dịch bằng loại tiền tệ địa phương của bạn? Đừng để việc chuyển đổi tiền tệ làm bạn khó ch...
Stock to Watch: Brighthouse Financial (BHF) Charlotte, NC-based Brighthouse Financial, Inc. is a holding company formed to own the legal entities that historically operated a substantial portion of the former Retail segment of MetLife, Inc. The company was incorporated on Aug 1, 2016. ...
富国集团维持Brighthouse Financial(BHF.US)卖出评级,维持目标价41美元 富国集团分析师Elyse Greenspan维持$Brighthouse Financial(BHF.US)$卖出评级,维持目标价41美元。根据TipRanks数据显示,该分析师近一年总胜率为62.1%,总平均回报率为7.6%。提示: TipRanks为独立第三方,提供金融分析师的分析数据,并计算分析师推荐的平...