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The screener displays probability calculations based on the delayed stock price at the time the strategy is updated. The new day's options data will start populating the screener at approximately 8:55a CT. Strikes that have not traded today are excluded from the results. Bear Call Spreads A ...
Price (EUR)4.78 Today's Change-0.12 / -2.45% Shares traded0.00 1 Year change-22.90% Beta-- Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Jan 29 2025. Participate in the 2025 Stockpicking Contest Long or short five stocks and compete to have the highest return by the end of the year. ...
The screener displays probability calculations based on the delayed stock price at the time the strategy is updated. The new day's options data will start populating the screener at approximately 8:55a CT. Strikes that have not traded today are excluded from the results. About Covered Calls Sel...
Here's an example: a stock with a #4 (Sell) or #5 (Strong Sell) rating, even one with Style Scores of A and B, still has a downward-trending earnings outlook, and a bigger chance its share price will decrease too. Thus, the more stocks you own with a #1 or #2 Rank and Score...
stock price of Seres Group, Huawei’s electric car manufacturing partner, has also jumped by around 153% since end of August*. Lastly, SMIC, who hasn’t been officially confirmed to media as the chip manufacturer of the Kirin 9000s, has also seen its stock price rise by 27% since the ...
account any changes made to earnings estimates. This is a valuable factor in predicting the potential reactions of investors toward the stock. Empirical research has consistently shown a strong correlation between trends in earnings estimate revisions and the short-term price performance of...
PGBHF:PKL Actions Price (USD)-- Today's Change-- Shares traded-- 1 Year change-- Beta-- Data delayed at least 15 minutes. Participate in the 2025 Stockpicking Contest Long or short five stocks and compete to have the highest return by the end of the year. Choose your picksSummary...
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Get Options quotes for PPB Group Berhad (PGBHF). Calls and Puts. Strike price, bid, ask, volume, open interest. In the money.