Both paths have an IGP metric to the NEXT_HOP of 20645 Path 6 is better than path 5 because it has a lower Router-ID. Comparing path 6 with path 7: Both paths have reachable next hops Both paths have a WEIGHT of 0 Both paths have a LOCAL_PREF of 100 Both paths are learned Both ...
R1通告1.1.10/24网络给EBGP对等体R2,R2通告给R3,R3会再转发给R4么??? 答案是不会的,因为,当R3学到这一路由时,这一网络的下一跳是10.1.1.1而R3是不可到达的,此时可在R2上做next-hop-self来解决这一问题 R1配置 Router>EN Router#conf t R1(config)#int s1/1 R1(config-if)#ip add 10...
Hello, I'm having issues with my BGP configuration where I have used the next hop self command on my border routers which now display itself as the next hop to its IBGP neighbors in the internal routing table via BGP. Also, the destination router outside the AS as learned via BGP...
这时在B上做 NEXT-HOP-SELF B传给C的时候就变成 下一条为 的路由 2 IBGP和EBGP的200和20不是指的METRIC 而是指的管理距离 对于去往同一目的的路由 谁的管理距离小 就先放进路由表中 3 BGP防环 BGP这个协议完全是一种策略性的路由协议,它的复杂并不是由于路由算法...
so my question is before i added the next hop self command i could see 2 routes to each subnet, one was reachable and the other wasnt. but after adding the next hop self command i could ONLY SEE 1 route that was reachable. and when i failed the one of the links, the other route ...
--- Establishes iBGP peering with R1 neighbor next-hop-self neighbor remote-as 30 !--- Establishes peering with R3 neighbor route-map Peer-R3 in !--- Configures inbound policy as defined by route-map "Peer-R3" when peering with R3. no auto-summary !
neighbor next-hop-self(BGP进程下配置)再次查看R1上BGP路由表: 发现到达200.1.1.1的下一条地址变成了3.3.3.3。R1的数据就可以正常发给200.1.1.1。 六、BGP选路规则第一条 weight (权重) prefer highest weight (local to router)。 优选weight属性高的,cisco私有属性 ...
R2配置命令neighbor x.x.x.x next-hop-self(常用) Remark BGP中,靠默认路由访问对方只能被动建立邻居关系(直连除外),不会主动发送请求 因此双方至少有一个靠明细路由指向对方才能建立peer Loop Prevention EBGP Loop Prevention 说到BGP的防环,就得提到一个well-known属性——AS_Path ...
这个就是原则三,从IBGP传递过来的EBGP路由是不会改变下一跳的。需要用命令neigbor x.x.x.x next-hop-self修改下一跳。 在CISCO的培训PPT上面只讲解了2个Next-hop的工作原则,还是没有说明清楚比较原则: 下面就来看看今天的重头戏,如果,weight相同,local_pref相同,那么如果比较Next-HOP. ...
neighbor next-hop-self neighbor remote-as 65000 neighbor default-originate 非常基本的配置,这边使用了 IS-IS 在两个路由器之间共享环回信息。 第2 阶段 - 进入 ASA 首先是选择我们的宣告前缀,我使用的是99.99.99.99/32,但请注意,此时它未附加到接口,我们可以通过使用Null0来...