作者在页面也是详细地写了下载后的压缩包里每个文件是什么意思,把你需要的那个pak找出来,然后导入到mod管理器即可。 文件名可以分为3部分:MagusAction+【All/Enemy/Party】+数字A+Bonus+数字B All/Enemy/Party:所有人/仅敌人/仅自己 数字A:额外行动 数字B:额外附赠动作 也就是如果你想要自己有4个动作+3个附赠...
class than some other spellcasters, and that’s the main downside to it. The Warlock doesn’t really heal or buff, it just does damage and crowd control – but it does do a really good job at those things, so you shouldn’t have any real problems using this class in your party. ...
Re: BG3 Party Movement Mechanic The Red Queen#85256019/06/2302:37 PM Drath Malorn addict Joined:Oct 2020 Location:Savage North Originally Posted by The Red Queen It’s not possible to specify a formation for our characters to arrange themselves into when they come to rest. I’m not sure...
While you can play the Rogue without using stealth, you won’t get the most out of the class without a stealthy playstyle, therefore I do recommend trying to get familiar with stealth in BG3 if you have a Rogue in your party. Arcane Trickster Subclass The Arcane Trickster Rogue is a pa...
For me, the party fling makes sense story-wise. These people have been implanted with an alien tadpole against their will, have been through hell and back (literally), have been thrown together into an extraordinary situation, and haven't had a moment's rest from all the fighting. Finally...
🔧 BG3 Mod Configuration Menu is a framework for managing mod settings with a user-friendly in-game UI. - BG3-MCM/nexus_description.bb at main · AtilioA/BG3-MCM
[*][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/11172]Configurable Party Limit[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size] [*][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6995]Waypoint Inside Emeral...
If you have Gale in your party, you can choose to have him climb the Brain Stem alone and end the game here. This decision will skip the final battle and play out the rest of the game through a series of cutscenes. Otherwise, choose to go with him to enter the final battle. Scree...
A guide covering Baldur's Gate 3 cheats and console commands and how to use them to spice up your BG3 playthrough.
sparing the rest of the Emerald Grove and making it possible to proceed with the plan to clear out the goblin camp instead. This is probably the best way to approach the situation for a party concerned about the general welfare of the world. Even if it takes violent methods, ridding the ...