有的mod一旦开启就无法关闭。 如果要卸载mod,卸载后记得验证游戏完整性。 开mod没有成就。当然,也有成就mod。 有的mod不是pak文件,不适用本文的方法——它其实更简单,解压到游戏的mod文件夹即可——但绝大多数都是pak文件。 现在,假如你已经挑选好了你想要安装的mod,放在一个文件夹内比较好整理: 记得在第一部分...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 35 Commits Class_Barbarian/ShortRestRage/OneDnD_ShortRestRageRecovery/Mods/OneDnD_ShortRestRageRecovery Class_Warlock Spells_Cantrip/StarryWisp .gitignore LICENSE README.md README License BG3-OneDnD-Modules ...
🔧 BG3 Mod Configuration Menu is a framework for managing mod settings with a user-friendly in-game UI. - BG3-MCM/nexus_description.bb at main · AtilioA/BG3-MCM
Antony Terence is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. While he is particularly fond of city-builders, shooters, and strategy titles, he won’t turn down a good JRPG or a turn-based roguelike. Baldur’s Gate 3 Platform(s):macOS, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox ...
I'm still hoping for a formation system to be included, because I genuinely don't like the default one and it's made remarkably worse when you use a mod to expand the party size. Also stuff I already wrote about, even in the past pages of this same thread (fairly recent ones, too...
2 free HP potions per day and per character would nearly be the same than actual short rests. Limited short rest is just a bandage on a broken mechanic... Which is better than nothing but it still hurt. I guess that's what many of us think if I trust what I read everywhere players...
Check the [url=https://wiki.bg3.community/Tutorials/Mod-Frameworks/mod-configuration-menu]documentation for integrating mods with the MCM[/url]; it's a simple process and there are a lot of features you definitely want to hear about! [color=#6d9eeb][size=5][b]Features[/b][/s...
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/10744]Short Rest Cooldown[/url] - enforces configurable cooldown after using short rest [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6086]Auto Send Food To Camp[/url] - sends food to camp chest automatically ...
Although the same spell this mod does not work on "Tyr's protection" from act I Kiru_DivineSense Makes the spell last until long rest Renames the spell to [I] Divine Sense Changes cooldown from Once per short rest to Once per long rest Kiru_DivineFavour Makes the spell last until ...