Warlocks have access to Warlock Spell Slots. These function the same as normal Spell Slots. You use them to cast Spells in BG3. While you won’t have many of them, when you follow the build correctly you will get Spells that you can cast for free. And after a short or long rest th...
Heya! Since many hands make light work, I thought I'd share my first draft of reversing the NewAge LSMF format (Which I think stands for Larian Studios Metadata File). It's a 010 Editor template, but it reads like C/C++ really. struct Bl...
As a Shadow Magic Sorcerer, you deal in a form of magic that makes you deadliest in darkness. This subclass gives its sorcerer Superior Darkvision, as well as the ability to Shadow Walk between places of dim light or darkness. It also lets you call forth the perfectly homebrewed Hound of...
Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character’s See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving...
Can replenish some Spell Slots without resting Cons BG3 Wizard Build Weak in melee Can’t wear Armour Less effective at close range More vulnerable to mind-altering debuffs than Wisdom spellcasters BG3 Wizard Class Guide The Wizard is the master of spellcasting in Baldur’s Gate 3, able to...
This also allows you to reach places that other classes don’t have the slightest chance of reaching. Shadow Arts: Darkness is a great action that you get early in Baldur’s Gate 3 at level 3. This can be used to block off enemy ranged attacks and blind them, this was useful plenty ...
Constitution –Dictates our Hitpoints and how likely we are to succeed at Concentration checks (if the effects of a Concentration Spell we cast will be retained when we take damage) All in all, an Ability allocation that looks something like this will serve you well for our Ranger: 10 Stren...