BG3 Druid Class Guide Druid Subclasses Comparison Why Choose the Circle of the Moon Druid Subclass Druid Leveling Progression BGe3 Druid Character Creation (Level 1) Leveling Roadmap for the Druid Early Game (Level 2-4) Mid Game (Level 5-8) End Game (Level 9-12) Druid Wild Shape Forms...
As a result, many of Druid's staple abilities still need to be included, and the rest could be better in performance, especially compared to other, higher-tier characters.The best subclass for Druid is Circle of the Moon, which gives you a much heavier focus on the Wild Shape C...
Halsin’s bear form level ups have been balanced with other Wild Shape forms. Fixed the Primal Strike feature for druids not making attacks magical for some forms. Wolf and Badger forms’ attack tooltips now show scaling damage. Destructive Wrath now only applies maximum damage to Lightning and...
The druid is actually the class with the most magical itemsthat pertain to its specific abilities and features. There are a number of armor sets and apparel options thatenhance theirwild shape, a staff that only grants a defensive buff to druids, and several weapons and a shield that boosts...