A detailed look at all the Druid Wild Shape Forms in Baldur's Gate 3. Cat, Spider, Bear, Badger, Raven, Owlcat, Wolf, Deep Rothé, Displacer Beast.
The Druid selects the subclass at level two, don’t miss it. We use the Circle of the Moon subclass with this BG3 Druid Build. Here is why the Circle of the Moon subclass is considered superior: Enhanced Wild Shape: Moon Druid exclusive Wild Shapes early game like the Bear and the Di...
TheBG3 Druidmakes for a powerful Spellcaster in BG3, however thanks to its ability to transform into variousWild Shapesit can also become a strong melee fighter when needed, able to fill a variety of niches. Their spellcasting is a little weak at the start of the game, but once you rea...