Reflective compile-time enum library with clean syntax, in a single header file, and without dependencies. In C++11,everythingcan be used at compile time. You can convert your enums, loop over them,find their max,statically enforce conventions, and pass along the results as template arguments ...
Docs: add notes about enabling C4062 on msvc Aug 8, 2018 extra/better-enums Removed double underscores from macro names. Feb 25, 2016 script Removed double underscores from macro names. Feb 25, 2016 test Support using better-enum as key in dictionaries and maps (#77) ...
C++ has from the beginning attempted to improve on the type system of C, adding features like classes that let you build better types and enums, which eliminate the need for some uses of the preprocessor (which is not at all type safe). C++ also performs fewer implicit type conversions ...
Breadcrumbs better_enums / test/ Directory actions More options Failed to load latest commit information. Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date parent directory .. cxxtest expect linking performance C...
TheC# APIhas been drastically refactored for the sake of consistency with Microsoft API design guidelines, from properties and enums to capitalization conventions – everything it takes to make C# programmers, a growing part of our community, feel comfortable. Engine’s singletons (such asWorld,...
case"C": returnVehicle.CAR; case"T": returnVehicle.TRAIN; case"P": returnVehicle.PLANE; default: thrownewIllegalArgumentException("ShortName ["+ shortName +"] not supported."); } } } Now we can implement the converter to use theshortNameproperty to store the Enum in the database: ...
allocated by usingnew; the C equivalentmalloc()will not suffice (its behavior is undefined) and be subsequently deallocated withdelete, notfree(). Thenewanddeleteoperators ensure that, in addition to the allocation/deallocation of memory, the object's constructor and destructor, respectively, are ...
Performanced optimized:It's probably the fastest event bus for Android. Tiny:The jar is less than 30 KBytes. Convenience singleton:You can get a process wide event bus instance by calling EventBus.getDefault(). You can still call new EventBus() to create any number of local busses. ...
}let[a, b, c] =example(); ③解构结合展开/收集: vara = [2,3,4];var[ b, ...c ] = a;console.log( b, c );// 2 [3,4] ④默认值可以引用解构赋值的其他变量,但该变量必须已经声明: let[x =1, y = x] = [];// x=1; y=1let[x =1, y = x] = [2];// x=2; y=...
MVVMis anarchitectural patternthat assists in structuring the code of a SwiftUI app by dividing it into three distinct roles. Themodelrepresents the app’s data and its business logic. Theviewdisplays information to the user and enables interaction. ...