全称Phi Beta Kappa Society,是美国最古老和最负盛名的学术荣誉学会之一,它代表了学术成就的最高荣誉。 自1776年12月5日在弗吉尼亚的威廉与玛丽学院成立以来,Phi Beta Kappa一直致力于推广自由艺术和科学教育的优秀成就,并表彰在这些领域内表现卓越的学生。 作为一个跨学科的荣誉学会,它不仅象征着个人的学术成就,也代...
Phi Beta Kappa大学优秀生联谊会(源于希腊文“哲学为人生指导”)美国大学优等生荣誉学会;荣誉组织;斐陶斐荣誉学会。斐陶斐励学会,也称斐陶斐荣誉学会(The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society),是民国时期最重要的学术团体之一。斐陶斐即希腊字母 Phi Tau Phi之音译,用以代表哲学(Philosophia)、工学...
斐陶斐荣誉学会(Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa)你手上可能有一张优秀学生名单,名单里都是具有优异成就表现与优秀成绩的学生,或许你的名字也在名单里。在大学阶段,这些学生就可以添加斐陶斐荣誉学会,这是美国最负盛名的荣誉学会。斐陶斐荣誉学会是由威廉及玛丽学院创立于1776年12月5日。要成为该组织的成...
Phi Beta Kappa (fī) n. 1.An honorary society, founded in 1776, of college students and graduates whose members are chosen on the basis of high academic standing. 2.A member of this society. [From the initials of the society's motto in Greekphilosophiā biou kubernētēs,philosophy the gui...
Phi Beta Kappa Rejects GMU; Honor Society Concerned About Academic FreedomMaria Glod
Phi Beta Kappa词源中文解释 本科荣誉学会,1776年,源自希腊语 philosophia biou kybernētēs 的首字母缩写,意为“生命的指南,哲学”。 Phi Beta Kappa词源英文解释 Phi Beta Kappa (Society), from phi + beta + kappa, initials of the society's Greek motto philosophia biou kybernētēs philosophy the guide ...
The article looks at how Phi Beta Kappa, America's most famous honor society, is seeing a decrease in membership nationwide. The author reviews how enrollments have plummeted across the United States due to increasing fees and the fact that very few have any idea about what the society does ...
The meaning of PHI BETA KAPPA is a person winning high scholastic distinction in an American college or university and being elected to membership in a national honor society founded in 1776. How to use Phi Beta Kappa in a sentence.
1. 优等生之荣誉学会 ...立大学获得经济学学士学位,在该大学,他还是美国大学优等生之荣誉学会(the Phi Beta Kappa)、美国Phi Kappa Phi荣誉学 …www.golden-book.com|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,优等生之荣誉学会 更多例句筛选 1. A member of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society, she was a pre-med...
Many influential people in American history distinguished themselves academically during college when they were elected and inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society, a national academic honor society commonly known as PBK. Seventeen U.S. presidents and more than 150 Nobel laureates have been Phi Beta...