全称Phi Beta Kappa Society,是美国最古老和最负盛名的学术荣誉学会之一,它代表了学术成就的最高荣誉。 自1776年12月5日在弗吉尼亚的威廉与玛丽学院成立以来,Phi Beta Kappa一直致力于推广自由艺术和科学教育的优秀成就,并表彰在这些领域内表现卓越的学生。 作为一个跨学科的荣誉学会,它不仅象征着个人的学术成就,也代...
Phi Beta Kappa Rejects GMU; Honor Society Concerned About Academic FreedomMaria Glod
Tag Archives:Phi Beta Kappa Marjorie Nicolson, Ph.D., Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024 Posted onMarch 24, 2024byFran Becque, Ph.D. Marjorie Nicolson’s introduction as one of three pledges (new members) of the Chi Omega chapter at the University of Michigan noted that “on the...
Phi Beta Kappa Is Not A Social Fraternity; Exclusive Honor Society Losing CachetSusan C. Thomson
Posted inAlpha Kappa Alpha,Alpha Phi Alpha,Alpha Tau Omega,Beta Theta Pi,Chi Omega,Fran Favorite,Howard University,Pi Beta Phi,Sigma Nu|TaggedAlpha Kappa Alpha,Alpha Phi Alpha,Beta Theta Pi,Chi Omega,Martin Luther King Jr.,Pi Beta Phi,Sigma Nu,Stephen Sondheim,Ted Bundy,Temple University,The...
Nine of the 25 members of Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society, to earn 2014-15 graduate fellowships are Phi Kappa Phi membersPeter Szatmary
Phi Beta Kappa, leading academic honour society in the U.S., which draws its membership from college and university students. The oldest Greek-letter society in the U.S., it was founded in 1776 as a secret literary and philosophical society at the Colleg